Hallam Land

About Hallam Land

Hallam Land has over 35 years of experience in land promotion and has delivered over 55,000 new homes. We take a collaborative approach to site delivery, forming close relationships with local authorities and communities. We carefully balance the need for new homes, alongside the need for infrastructure and the changes development brings to local communities and the environment.

Locally, we are proud to have delivered Brooklands, a sustainable extension to the east of Milton Keynes containing 2,500 new homes, new community facilities including a health centre, a secondary school and two primary schools.

How we work

We take an honest and collaborative approach to site delivery, forming close partnerships with local authorities, key stakeholders and communities with the aim of delivering positive and sustainable benefits for new and existing communities, as well as the environment.

Hallam Land has appointed a full team of experienced consultants to support an outline planning application for the site.

To find out more about please visit hallamland.co.uk